Attracting Young People -
The HRAI Approach
BuildForce Canada's labour market forecasts for 2013-2021 predict shortages of workers in the skilled trades over the next decades. The workforce is aging and baby boomers are retiring. The construction industry - including the HVACR industry - will need to replace retiring skilled workers in a very competitive job market. All aspects of your business can be affected by the aging population to varying degrees.
For the HVACR industry to continue to have the best and brightest workers, employers must actively attract, recruit and train a new generation of skilled workers.
To assist companies to introduce today's youth to the HVACR industry and to successfully attract them to your company, HRAI has created an employer guidebook for onboarding apprentices and co-op students. Click on the image below for a copy of "Your How-To Guide to Planning Ahead" for helpful tips and information on how to boost your future prospects by championing an apprentice or co-op student.